Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Tooth Farie(s)...

While in MN last weekend, Brennen lost a bottom tooth that has been loose for several months. It's only his third. Last year, when the other two fell out within a day of each other, the new teeth had already grown in behind them so this is the first time we've seen Brennen with a gap. Here's the note our conscientious child wrote while at the hotel and left under his pillow - he has no desire for the Tooth Fairy to think he's trying to cheat her (him??) of her due. :O) He wanted to be able to take it to school and share with his lucky classmates...sorry it's sideways!
The lost tooth gap is on the bottom. He has wide spaces naturally on either side of his top two front teeth. The dentist is very pleased with those spaces as they will provide room for adult teeth when they come in. All three teeth he's lost so far have been from the bottom.

This week's Headlines...

...Christy Agrees To Take On VBS Next Summer!

...Date Night For Todd and Christy to Attend Church Building Fund Committment/Celebration Dinner!

...Goalie Brennen Blocks Several Attempts As Cardinals (his team) Face Strongest Opponents Yet!

...Much Touted Wyoming Winds Begin To Blow In Earnest!

...Grout and Caulk Repairs Completed in Main Floor Bath!

...Kindrid Cleans Room - Finds Floor!

:O) Have a great week!



Jamie Rae said...

So did he ask if it was okay to keep it since you guys were at a hotel?? How cute is that!!!!

Jessica said...

The house has not sold yet..but I think CAT will buy it for him if it does not sell within 60 days..of course that means he takes a hit, but it also means he will not have 2 mortgage payments...We are praying for your sister, please keep up posted. Thanks! Jess