Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Heart is His For $35.00...

Last night was AWANA night for the kids. They earn AWANA bucks for memorizing their verses, having their vest, bag and book and participating in special events like "bring a friend night" etc. Periodically they are allowed to go to the AWANA store and spend their hard earned bucks. This is an event that Brennen eagerly anticipates. He keeps careful count of how many bucks he will earn each week and his running total. Last night was Store Night.

When we picked them up after AWANA they were so excited with their purchases. Brennen's first words when he got in the truck were, "Mommy! I bought you a present with some of my money." He was so pleased with himself, and I was a bit surprised. I asked him something about it and he was quiet a moment and then burst into tears. He said through the obvious pain that the decision to do this for me was still causing him, "It cost $35.00, Mommy, but I really wanted to get it for you, Mommy. Because I love you."

I was speechless. You know, these days, Brennen is really kind of "all about Brennen." For him, this was an ENORMOUS sacrifice to make. I don't have words to tell you how deeply it moved me. I'm so blessed!

He came home and insisted on wrapping it and placing it under the tree. The tag reads: "To Christy From Brennen I love you very much."

I've no idea what it is. Will it matter? It will be one of my most treasured possessions because the sacrifice he made to get it for me reveals the depth of his love for me.

Sound familiar? As you go about making it Christmas for your family, consider the great sacrifice God made for us by sending His Son...his most treasured Son....because of the great depth of love He has for us. Have you accepted this original Christmas gift from Him? His gift tag reads, "To You, From God...I love you very much."

A former student used to hug me and say (and I say to you),
"God loves you....and so do I."
Consider yourself hugged...

FYI...For her big purchase, my sweet, girlie, beauty-loving little Kindrid got a huge snake that one soaks in water and will increase 600% in size over the next four days. Huh...I'm sure there's a whole symbolic "fall of man" vs. "God's plan for our redemption through His love for us" story in here somewhere with one child sacrificing and the other getting a snake but I'm not sure I have the time or inclination to figure it out. I think taking it at face value and marvelling at the choices BOTH children made is plenty for this post! :O)


grandmamarge said...

nothing like making me cry over my lunch hour....Brennen got me started and Kindrid dancing to Away in the Manager made me lose it completely. It's a good thing it's almost Christmas, or I'd be on a plane West. Needless to say, they've both won my hearts from the first time I saw them.

Jessica said...

Awwe! So sweet, I remember how B was with his money too! That must have made your heart jump!

Anonymous said...

Imagine that...AWANA store night bringing out the best in kids! I love it!

And I loved your comments about your cable guy. I laughed out loud. How can something so simple be so difficult?!


Stephanie said...

aw...that makes me tear up.

Debbie said...

How special a memory for you! And what a lesson for all of us. Olivia loved Kindrid's recital!

Jim and Kay said...

Wow, how sweet can you get! You'll have to tell us what his gift was. Hope your trip back home was uneventful.