Friday, August 1, 2008


and waiting...
...and waiting... ...and waiting...
Finally around 4:45 our friends from Illinois, the Fiedlers, arrived! Brennen was so happy to see his friend, Andrew ('course I don't have a picture of their reunion)!

Here is Robin after two days in the car with her kids!

Here is poor Mike, having to whip up his own steak sauce from scratch since I completely forgot we'd given all our fridge stuff away before we moved and staples like A1 and Heinze 57 don't just magically appear without restocking! :O)

It's wonderful to have "old" friends here and share food and conversation with them. We had a great time visiting over dinner on the deck. Andrew isn't feeling too great tonight - tummy problems - but we're hoping he is much better tomorrow. Lots of adventures await us at the beginning of this visit - it's so fun to share this with our friends!
Hope you have a great weekend!


Kate Geesaman said...

Tell the Fiedlers "Hi" for me! I'll be at RCC next Sunday (August 10th)... can't wait to see people and the new digs!

Jeannie said...

I always thought you were pretty organized. Guess if you forget to buy steak sauce you've now lost the title of "hostess with the mostest."