Like my costume? :OP
Todd and kids are out in the neighborhood right now getting their loot while I man the candy bowl on the home front. We've had maybe a dozen or so visitors so far. :O)
Have a great weekend!!
When adjusting his arm length ceased to be enough to focus his eyes, Todd went and had them checked. (That's Bad!) His New Glasses will be arriving sometime next week! (That's Good!)
His blood pressure has been elevated (That's Bad!) but he's going to the doctor next week to get it figured out. (That's Good!)
The census has been up at Todd's hospital. (That's Good!) Todd was Administrator On Call for the last week. He's been AOC before with minimal activity after work hours in the past, but this week was pretty different with lots of calls and unique situations. He was on the phone a lot in the evenings and over the weekend. (That's Bad!)
Brennen came home from school on Wednesday with a full-blown case of hives again. (That's Bad!) They lasted until Monday (That's Bad!) and caused him a lot of discomfort/sleeplessness with the itching. (That's Bad!) I still have no idea what causes them. (That's Bad). At least they are gone for now. (That's Good! - I had to figure out a way to get one "good" in this paragraph!) :O)
Brennen didn't have school on Thursday/Friday last week due to parent-teacher conferences. (That's Good!). We thought about taking a trip somewhere, but decided to stay put for a change which was wise considering the sore throats and hives. (That's Good!) Brennen loves having days just to stay at home! (That's Good!) Brennen's conference was wonderful...he's doing great in school with all A's and high class rankings. (That's Good!) His reading level is significantly above average and, best of all, he likes it. (That's Good!) His teacher did share that she will be moving to Colorado over Christmas break, and they currently seeking a replacement. (That's very, very Bad!) Brennen took the news OK, but, in typical Brennen fashion, we noticed his behavior got worse over the next few days. (That's Bad!) Poor guy! The transition to a new school with all new friends and new writing and phonics program was a big deal for him. The good news is that we know God is working for Brennen's good all the time and we put our trust in that. (That's Good!) We know it will all work out. Please pray for Brennen and his class!
For the last few months, Todd and I have been unable to use our bathroom shower as it needed to be re-grouted and caulked. (That's Bad!) Todd had time to get to that project this weekend. (That's Good!) I got to use it nice not to have to traipse through the house for a shower anymore! (That's Good!)
Last week the senior pastor from our new church called and asked if I would do the devotion talk for the 3rd-6th graders at last night's AWANA club meeting. (That's Good!) I was totally OK talking to the kids but wasn't thrilled that their adult leaders would also be in the room. (That's Bad!) I'm just more comfortable with kids! Anyhow, considering what week it is, I spoke about "fear." It went smoothly, the kids seemed engaged, and I got that ol' "I love teaching" thrill that comes from doing the one thing I always come back to feeling I'm fairly decent at. :O) (That's Good!) I will do lots of other stuff with pleasure, but this one thing brings such deep satisfaction!
Todd has been in Albuquerque most of this week for meetings. (That's Bad!) He's due to come home this evening. (That's Good!)
I say that so you can understand how big a deal it was that I took Brennen to his first soccer practice by myself. (That's Bad!) Wish you could have seen Brennen and me trying to get his shin guards and socks on while the team waited to begin practice! (That's Bad!) Turns out Brennen instinctively knew how they went on (That's Good!) as I was clueless!! He LOVED it! (That's Good!) We were a little frustrated as they'd asked Todd to coach and he'd decided to do it. Brennen was Over The Top (!) thrilled at the prospect of having Daddy as a coach - if you know Brennen, you know he seldom gets very exited about much but this news caused him to grin and jump around and shout with joy! There was some phone tag, and, by the time we touched base with the leadership, they'd found a different coach without calling and letting us know. (That's Bad!) That news, combined with his teacher moving, made for a few bad days for Brennen. (That's Bad!) Anyhow, the coach says he could use some help so hopefully Todd will still get to be involved. (That's Good!)
We had "make your own" pizzas Saturday night (That's Good!) - so that's what this random picture is about...Monday, after school, the kids and I went to Wal-Mart to get pumpkins. When we went to carve them, Kindrid's was really, really disgusting on the inside. (That's Bad!) We had one really sad little girl so, Knight Daddy went out on his trusty white horse to exchange the pumpkin. (That's Good!) He ended up having to go to a couple places but finally returned with his trophy and pumpkin carving commenced. (That's Good!)
Note the Indy hat...
Kindrid's ballet class was invited to dress up on is my little ballet-fairy girl! (That's Good...and Cute!!)
She and Felicity were together all day. Kindrid cried when we left the house to walk to pick Brennen up at school (it's less than a mile one way - we've been trying to walk it as long as the weather holds out) as Felicity had to stay home!
Have a good evening!
Felicity is already the recipient of many hugs and kisses and even now lies sleeping next to Kindrid.
Brennen lit the candles...
Kindrid blew them out.......Todd, Brennen and I ate cake while Kindrid went back to her doll. She said she was too full from supper, and could she please wait and have hers tomorrow! :O)
Thanks to all of you that called, sent cards, left messages, gave gifts, posted comments and emailed - Kindrid didn't have a big party with balloons and games and lots of friends, but she had a day full of love of family and friends and things she loves doing. I'm sure by this time next year we'll be overrun with little girl friends giggling and swatting at a Barbie pinata (oooo - I like that idea - is it my turn yet??!!) but for this year we were content to celebrate simply!
With love,
This is George Washington's likeness. As a side note, while we were in the Black Hills, someone gave Todd a one dollar bill in change with stamped on it. I checked it out today, registered the bill and will spend it for B.'s lunch next week. As it travels, folks that are so led can register the bill and I can see where it goes from here. Kinda neat. Yep, this is what I do as a Stay At Home Mom! :O)
So, in my title I referred to the "Gold Hills" and that is how it was this weekend. We didn't plan it or ever think about it when we decided to go there, so it was an amazing surprise to see how lovely it was. The first weekend in October or last in September is definitely the time to go for peak color!! WoW!! My pictures never do it justice, but here's a small sample...
No trip to the Black Hills is complete without driving the breathtaking Needles Drive culminating in the trip through the Eye of the Needle.
On our way out of the Black Hills on Sunday we drove through Custer State Park in hopes of seeing wildlife. We weren't disappointed when we ran into this wild donkey herd. Look at the cute little guy!
Brennen and Kindrid were reduced to jello laughing at these guys as they poked their heads in looking for handouts. You'd think they'd at least offer to wash your windshield, the beggars. They did, however, slobber all over the doors under the windows...Kindrid and I saw those marks on the truck today! :O) I'm sure it's frowned upon, but everyone feeds them. Todd and I gave them a few chips but Brennen and Kindrid wanted nothing to do with those yellowed teeth!!
Once a year they round up all the buffalo (who does that???) at Custer for branding and selling off some to keep the herd to a size the park can support. Most of the buffalo were in the corral area in the southern part of the park so we didn't get to have them all around the truck as one usually does at Custer. Here is one big fellow by the fence...
We drove a lot of the back roads in the park and saw a few lone buffalo, lots of antelope and lots of wild turkeys - Todd turned off the truck so we could listen to them. We took a back way out of the park and ended up driving through one corner of Wind Cave National Park where there were a lot of open range buffalo about. One forgets how HUGE these creatures are until all that separates one is what moments ago seemed a solid truck door!! We escaped uncharged and unscathed and had an uneventful drive home. We did see another full rainbow on the way back. As we stumbled in so tired and having to unpack, Todd grumbled that three day weekends should be mandatory!
Oh yes, I forgot...we stayed in a cabin at this place and loved it! They were clean, each had their own bathrooms and mini-kitchen, nice covered porch with picnic table, beautiful views, a playground so close we were comfortable letting the kids go there on their own and the Mickelson Trail winding right behind the cabins making us wish we had our bikes. We are excited to stay there again!! There was a dog that must have belonged to the resort and seemed to be a labradoodle. We all fell in love. Kindrid cried when we had to say good-bye to it and Todd and I almost did, too. I'd get a dog again in a heartbeat if I knew it would be so cute, well-behaved and fun.
One last thing...
Tonight ends an era (well, if you can call it that). Tomorrow Kindrid will be 5 years old. Our little kids aren't so little anymore. Five years ago tonight we were in Virginia, MN. We ate at the clubhouse at the golf course for supper, and I got my hair cut after. By around 4:30 the next morning we were parents of a sweet little redhead girl. What a blessing she has been to, I venture to modestly say with no parental pride or blindness in place, most everyone she meets. :O) Well, certainly to us. Thank you God!
Also, Robin F. got me started on Facebook today. Thanks for all of you that are now "my friends." Glad it's official so I can start saying things like, "I have 9 friends." I've no idea what I'm doing on it or how to really use it, but I will learn. Fun! Thanks, R.!!
Have a wonderful evening, morning, day, week, weekend - guess it depends on when you read!!