Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Heart is His For $35.00...
When we picked them up after AWANA they were so excited with their purchases. Brennen's first words when he got in the truck were, "Mommy! I bought you a present with some of my money." He was so pleased with himself, and I was a bit surprised. I asked him something about it and he was quiet a moment and then burst into tears. He said through the obvious pain that the decision to do this for me was still causing him, "It cost $35.00, Mommy, but I really wanted to get it for you, Mommy. Because I love you."
I was speechless. You know, these days, Brennen is really kind of "all about Brennen." For him, this was an ENORMOUS sacrifice to make. I don't have words to tell you how deeply it moved me. I'm so blessed!
He came home and insisted on wrapping it and placing it under the tree. The tag reads: "To Christy From Brennen I love you very much."
I've no idea what it is. Will it matter? It will be one of my most treasured possessions because the sacrifice he made to get it for me reveals the depth of his love for me.
Sound familiar? As you go about making it Christmas for your family, consider the great sacrifice God made for us by sending His Son...his most treasured Son....because of the great depth of love He has for us. Have you accepted this original Christmas gift from Him? His gift tag reads, "To You, From God...I love you very much."
A former student used to hug me and say (and I say to you),
"God loves you....and so do I."
Consider yourself hugged...
FYI...For her big purchase, my sweet, girlie, beauty-loving little Kindrid got a huge snake that one soaks in water and will increase 600% in size over the next four days. Huh...I'm sure there's a whole symbolic "fall of man" vs. "God's plan for our redemption through His love for us" story in here somewhere with one child sacrificing and the other getting a snake but I'm not sure I have the time or inclination to figure it out. I think taking it at face value and marvelling at the choices BOTH children made is plenty for this post! :O)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Kindrid's Dance Recital...
Here is Kindrid's big stage debut! She is fifth from the left. They got a little crowded, so it was hard to do some of her "moves," as she calls them, but you get the idea. :O) I was so proud of her for just getting up there in front of a HUGE audience and doing her thing. She was breathless as she watched some of the older dancers and the number her teacher did. I think it's the first time she's ever seen a real ballerina. It was really fun getting her hair, nails and make up done before the recital. You know me, I'm not much interested in any of those areas for myself, but doing it for Kindrid is like having a live dolly to do it for! :O) She wore her tights, leotard and skirt the rest of the evening and danced all over the house when she wasn't eating (or talking- and sometimes even then!). :O) a great day!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Random Sample...
Since our move, I've been able to post about some pretty cool stuff like sky-scrapers, wild animals and adventures all over Wyoming and the surrounding states. But, as it should, life is now settling into a more sedate pace. In my opinion, without the drama of the above-mentioned items, my posts are becoming, well, not quite as interesting as they were! So if I wait longer between posting, at least I have a few things of interest! (All this to explain my lack of posts lately.) :O)
I'm going to give you a random sampling of what's gone on in the last couple weeks...
All by themselves, Kindrid and Brennen completed the Puzzibits project Pa Tim started with them when we were in MN. They were adamant that I put this picture on the blog so Pa Tim can see it. Great gift...thanks to the Nic Amerud Fam!! :O)
Kindrid came downstairs after she woke up a few days ago and cuddled up on my lap. She said sleepily, "Mommy, I had TWO bad dreams last night....and one of them was PG!!"
Brennen worked very hard at school on the following paragraph that came home all typed on the computer by Brennen himself:
I had a pet Golden Retriever named Murphy. He was a very nice dog. He was orangish-gold. He died about a year ago, but I am still very happy he was my dog. I loved Murphy very much."
Uncle Matt and Auntie Carrie came up from Denver along with Bodie (BIG doggie) and Macie (little doggie) to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. It was so fun to have them here. We didn't do anything, really, but hang out, eat and hang out and eat. :O)
Uncle Matt has been Way Out West way too long!! :O)
Daddy taught Brennen how to use the electric knife and carve the turkey!
Of course, Carrie and I made enough food for at least twice the people, but it was an awesome meal!
The other day Brennen got a letter from his Peoria friend, Will P., asking him to help with a Flat Stanley project. Before Matt and Carrie left, we thought Flat Stanley should get his photo op! That's him in Brennen's hands. What the heck is a "Flat Stanley", you ask? Check this out: for making the trip up, guys...we loved having you!!!
After completing the application and interview (mild), we will be officially recognized next Sunday as new members of Cornerstone Evangelical Free church here in Casper!
Email me if you didn't get our new cell numbers and would like to have them.
Other than that, our lives are full, like everyone elses', of daily-ness: soccer, ballet, homework, church, cooking, Facebooking ('s important!!), hanging with the kids, etc. :O) Some things have happened to different folks I love lately that have made me want to step back, breathe, and really appreciate how this daily-ness is really what life is made of. It's not all the big adventures we have, but the quiet compilation of morning cups of coffee, hugs good-night, warm laundry neatly folded, the rush to get to events on time, the sound of my kids playing in the next room, the excitement of Daddy getting home from work and so on. One of our pastors quoted this verse in his newsletter article this week and it struck a chord with me and so I leave you with it....
Revelation 21:3-4 (New International Version)
3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
What a lovely thing we have to look forward to!! Until then, I pray you are finding those simple, everyday times that bring joy to your soul and peace to your spirit!!
PS...just an update on Brennen and his tooth...he just can't part with it so, after checking with us many times to make sure the Tooth Fairy is OK with it, he's decided to keep it a while longer. It lives in a bag on the desk in his room. His two top, front teeth are now loose. I suppose I need to brace myself for an entire collection of old teeth gracing his desk for who knows how long! :O)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dear Tooth Farie(s)...
This week's Headlines...
...Christy Agrees To Take On VBS Next Summer!
...Date Night For Todd and Christy to Attend Church Building Fund Committment/Celebration Dinner!
...Goalie Brennen Blocks Several Attempts As Cardinals (his team) Face Strongest Opponents Yet!
...Much Touted Wyoming Winds Begin To Blow In Earnest!
...Grout and Caulk Repairs Completed in Main Floor Bath!
...Kindrid Cleans Room - Finds Floor!
:O) Have a great week!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How Sweet She Is...
I'm an Auntie once again!
Instead of our planned trip to Denver this weekend (we were sad not to see you, Auntie Carrie and Uncle Matt and Grandpa Don), we drove all night last night to come to Minnesota to help celebrate Kallie's arrival. It was a long drive through Northern Nebraska as I-90 was closed in South Dakota due to the huge blizzard that hit that region earlier in the week. We finally tumbled into bed in a Minneapolis hotel this morning around 5:00. We got up around 9:30, the kids swam and then we met Uncle Nic, Auntie Heather and Cousins Cierra and Rhiannan at the Mall of America so the kids could play at Lego Land. While at the mall trying to peek in the windows of the new-not-yet-opened-to-Kindrid's-dismay American Girl (why didn't you tell me, Pat?) store, we got the call that Kallie was here. We went to the hospital, surprised Carleen, Jeff and Grandma Marge very much and got to see our new niece/cousin. A supper at Famous Daves with family and a trip to REI (if we couldn't do it in Denver, Carrie, we were determined to get it done in The Cities!!) rounded out a very full day! Tomorrow we will get to see Grandma Mary, Pa Ben and Pa Tim and visit Kallie a bit more. Then, it's drive all day Monday to return to Casper. I'm sure we'll be tired but are so happy we could be here to share this time with family and meet this precious little gift!
Have a great rest of the weekend!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A New Look for Todd...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick Or Treat...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
That's Good! That's Bad!
I know it's been a little longer than I usually wait to post, but life has been busier this week and kinda got away from me. We've had lots of ups and downs since I last posted....nothing serious and "ups" outweigh the "downs!"
Both Todd and I continued to have sore throats last week causing sleepless nights and much snoring on Todd's part. :O) (That's Bad!)
We got a very heavy, sloppy, fast-falling snowstorm on Tuesday (That's Good!) that all melted away the next day (That's Bad!). (You see, my whole classification system of good vs. bad is based on lots of scientific research and one can accuse me of it being purely my own opinion!) :O)
Here is Kindrid watching the onslaught of fat flakes coming down....
When adjusting his arm length ceased to be enough to focus his eyes, Todd went and had them checked. (That's Bad!) His New Glasses will be arriving sometime next week! (That's Good!)
His blood pressure has been elevated (That's Bad!) but he's going to the doctor next week to get it figured out. (That's Good!)
The census has been up at Todd's hospital. (That's Good!) Todd was Administrator On Call for the last week. He's been AOC before with minimal activity after work hours in the past, but this week was pretty different with lots of calls and unique situations. He was on the phone a lot in the evenings and over the weekend. (That's Bad!)
Brennen came home from school on Wednesday with a full-blown case of hives again. (That's Bad!) They lasted until Monday (That's Bad!) and caused him a lot of discomfort/sleeplessness with the itching. (That's Bad!) I still have no idea what causes them. (That's Bad). At least they are gone for now. (That's Good! - I had to figure out a way to get one "good" in this paragraph!) :O)
Brennen didn't have school on Thursday/Friday last week due to parent-teacher conferences. (That's Good!). We thought about taking a trip somewhere, but decided to stay put for a change which was wise considering the sore throats and hives. (That's Good!) Brennen loves having days just to stay at home! (That's Good!) Brennen's conference was wonderful...he's doing great in school with all A's and high class rankings. (That's Good!) His reading level is significantly above average and, best of all, he likes it. (That's Good!) His teacher did share that she will be moving to Colorado over Christmas break, and they currently seeking a replacement. (That's very, very Bad!) Brennen took the news OK, but, in typical Brennen fashion, we noticed his behavior got worse over the next few days. (That's Bad!) Poor guy! The transition to a new school with all new friends and new writing and phonics program was a big deal for him. The good news is that we know God is working for Brennen's good all the time and we put our trust in that. (That's Good!) We know it will all work out. Please pray for Brennen and his class!
For the last few months, Todd and I have been unable to use our bathroom shower as it needed to be re-grouted and caulked. (That's Bad!) Todd had time to get to that project this weekend. (That's Good!) I got to use it nice not to have to traipse through the house for a shower anymore! (That's Good!)
Last week the senior pastor from our new church called and asked if I would do the devotion talk for the 3rd-6th graders at last night's AWANA club meeting. (That's Good!) I was totally OK talking to the kids but wasn't thrilled that their adult leaders would also be in the room. (That's Bad!) I'm just more comfortable with kids! Anyhow, considering what week it is, I spoke about "fear." It went smoothly, the kids seemed engaged, and I got that ol' "I love teaching" thrill that comes from doing the one thing I always come back to feeling I'm fairly decent at. :O) (That's Good!) I will do lots of other stuff with pleasure, but this one thing brings such deep satisfaction!
Todd has been in Albuquerque most of this week for meetings. (That's Bad!) He's due to come home this evening. (That's Good!)
I say that so you can understand how big a deal it was that I took Brennen to his first soccer practice by myself. (That's Bad!) Wish you could have seen Brennen and me trying to get his shin guards and socks on while the team waited to begin practice! (That's Bad!) Turns out Brennen instinctively knew how they went on (That's Good!) as I was clueless!! He LOVED it! (That's Good!) We were a little frustrated as they'd asked Todd to coach and he'd decided to do it. Brennen was Over The Top (!) thrilled at the prospect of having Daddy as a coach - if you know Brennen, you know he seldom gets very exited about much but this news caused him to grin and jump around and shout with joy! There was some phone tag, and, by the time we touched base with the leadership, they'd found a different coach without calling and letting us know. (That's Bad!) That news, combined with his teacher moving, made for a few bad days for Brennen. (That's Bad!) Anyhow, the coach says he could use some help so hopefully Todd will still get to be involved. (That's Good!)
We had "make your own" pizzas Saturday night (That's Good!) - so that's what this random picture is about...Monday, after school, the kids and I went to Wal-Mart to get pumpkins. When we went to carve them, Kindrid's was really, really disgusting on the inside. (That's Bad!) We had one really sad little girl so, Knight Daddy went out on his trusty white horse to exchange the pumpkin. (That's Good!) He ended up having to go to a couple places but finally returned with his trophy and pumpkin carving commenced. (That's Good!)
Note the Indy hat...
Kindrid's ballet class was invited to dress up on is my little ballet-fairy girl! (That's Good...and Cute!!)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Week in Review...
It's been a long week here in Casper.
This is how our deck looked last Sunday...we ended up with 10-12 inches. By Thursday it was all gone.
It was a full week. Here's news:
*Brennen had strep this week and missed a day and a half of school. He's feeling much better now. (Doctor visit number 1.)
*Kindrid began ballet on Tuesday morning. She had a great time and is really looking forward to the next class. She will be in a Christmas and Spring recital. It's a whole new scene to Mommy as I've never had anything to do with dance other than having some great friends and one lovely sister-in-law that were Kixters.
*I went to the doctor this week to get my prescription for Imitrex (my migraine happy pills!) renewed amongst other things (routine). :O) Please pray...when we went to pick up the Imitrex prescription, it was more than $25.oo PER PILL! We didn't get it, and Todd is going to call our new insurance company and find out if that's really the case. I'm staying calm about it for now until he talks to them. Considering I use at least 5 or more a month and the HUGE difference these little pills have made in the quality of my life, this could have a really big impact on me. I'm hoping for the best. (Doctor visit number 2.)
*I filled out A TON of forms this week. Some for Kindrid's ballet class, some for my doctor visit, some for Brennen's walk-in clinic doctor visit, some for both kids for the new family doc we'll see, some for Brennen for soccer he'll start soon, some for Brennen's school conferences next week and some for membership at our new church. Yikes!!
*On Thursday Todd's throat started to hurt. By Saturday it was bad so he went to the walk-in clinic...negative for strep so he just has to get over it, Poor Guy! (Doctor visit number 3!!)
*We are still vehicle hunting. We've tried lots of cars and today tried a mini van. I don't really want to be a Mini Van Mom (OK for others...just not my thing) but can really see the practical aspects of having one. The kids are really comfortable and the space is great. We are comfortable with great space now in the Expedition, but mileage is awful. We'll see what happens. Todd's going to do some more research on line.
*MY throat began to hurt yesterday...hmmmm...could I be headed for doctor visit number 4? Tough to tell when one family member was positive for strep and the other negative. Why is it always so hard to decide when to go in???
*Todd and I watched August Rush the other night. If you like happy endings and love music, this is a must see!!
*This little flock (covey? group? pod?) of prairie chickens visited our back yard yesterday. We've seen them here and there around the neighborhood, and it was fun to have them come see us. Bad picture as I was trying very hard not to scare them. Their visit was just one more reminder of how this country we've moved to belongs to the wild things. In the middle of town on Tuesday the kids and I saw five antelope eating bushes in someone's yard, and a doe passed in front of the car with a buck close behind her near the mall when Kindrid and I were on our way to small group Friday night.
*Todd joined Facebook! Check it out! We'd love to have you be our friend!! :O)
Well, that's us this week. We love you all,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bring On Christmas...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Doll Dreamz...
She and Felicity were together all day. Kindrid cried when we left the house to walk to pick Brennen up at school (it's less than a mile one way - we've been trying to walk it as long as the weather holds out) as Felicity had to stay home!
Have a good evening!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Simply Celebrating...
We celebrated simply today. My baby girl turned 5. As a reward for stopping her nail biting and to celebrate her birthday, we both got manicures this morning. Here are our glamorous hands! :O)
I'm somewhat sorry to say, but, as it should be, Mommy and Daddy stole the show by giving Kindrid her heart's desire American Girl Doll (are you reading, P.R.??) named Felicity. She's longed for this doll for a llllooonnngggg time but had read somewhere they were for kids "8 and up" and so resigned herself sweetly and patiently to waiting until then before she could get her. She often talks about how "when I'm 8 and can get my American Girl doll." No words I have can describe her delighted and grateful heart when she opened this gift. At one point she asked us with a frown of concern, "But, I'm only 5...I'm supposed to be 8...what if I break her??"
Felicity is already the recipient of many hugs and kisses and even now lies sleeping next to Kindrid.
Brennen lit the candles...
Kindrid blew them out.......Todd, Brennen and I ate cake while Kindrid went back to her doll. She said she was too full from supper, and could she please wait and have hers tomorrow! :O)
Thanks to all of you that called, sent cards, left messages, gave gifts, posted comments and emailed - Kindrid didn't have a big party with balloons and games and lots of friends, but she had a day full of love of family and friends and things she loves doing. I'm sure by this time next year we'll be overrun with little girl friends giggling and swatting at a Barbie pinata (oooo - I like that idea - is it my turn yet??!!) but for this year we were content to celebrate simply!
With love,