Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

Hi Friends and Family and especially Fathers,

We hope you had a great day! We appreciate our fathers, Pa Tim and Pa Ben, so much for loving us and raising us and being wonderful grandfathers! Blessings to all you dads out there!!

We visited this church this morning. Kindrid went to class and enjoyed it while Brennen, Todd and I went to service.

Daddy got to choose lunch so we visited a Chinese Buffet - the kids love that! :O)

After that we went and explored a nearby state park. We hiked a little, the kids played on the playground and we hope to go back to try out the swimming pond soon. It's along the river in an old rock quarry - lots of wonderful song birds! Fun!

The "Buffalo BBQ" was open at the campground tonight and serving up some smoked ribs that were calling Daddy's name!
Here is Kindrid at the RV park playground visiting on the cell with her Peoria friend, Collin. Not sure how much of each other they understood, but it was fun for them to connect! Collin's family is planning to visit us in early August, and we are excited about that!! :O)
We are expecting some estimates on the new house for the repair work the inspector recommended (thanks to our hard-working realtor, Karen, for arranging all that!!) this week and hoping to finalize how the repairs will be done. We still have to get the truck fixed but are going to seek a second opinion first.

We hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just got caught up again! I have had issues off and on with the spell check on the blogger, too. It's cranky; some days it works and some days it doesn't. And of course, I always find spelling errors after it's been up awhile! Oh, well.

Best of luck with the house closing and the car situation. When it rains, it pours, both in good ways and not-so-good. I'm praying for you guys!
