Sunday, June 1, 2008


Good news or bad first?

Always the bad so we can leave it with the good as a pleasant taste in our mouths...

After an offer and several counter offers, we did not get the house. :O( It was just a matter of not being able to meet on a price in the end. In the process, though, we found out that they really need to be out of the house by the end of this month. They are having an open house today. In my secret heart I'm totally hoping they get not interest, start feeling antsy and call us back to accept our last offer. :O) It aint over in my mind until it's over!! :O)

The good news is the rest of the day we spent exploring the mountains and range lands to the south and west of here and saw some absolutely beatiful country. I didn't take many pix but include a couple here of one place we stopped and walked around. Brennen is going to end up bringing the mountains back to the camper one stone at a time. He is all about the rocks right now. I need to get a book on the geology of Wyoming for him.

So, guess what we are going to do today?? Yep! Visit Open Houses until we drop. Todd's been working with the listings and a map. You can tell he's had lots of experience at this in the past couple months. I'm sure we'll find something that both suits our needs and has the character we both so enjoy in a home.

Hope you all have a great day! Appreciate your prayers as we seek a house!



PS If your name begins with "J" and you were whining about me not posting the verdict yesterday it was because we were without internet until late last night. Life in an RV park has it's perks, but reliable internet aint one of 'em! :O)

PPS Learning how to get the pix from the camera to the computer so I took this shot of the kids playing in the master bedroom/playroom in the camper. :O)


Anonymous said...

I can't comment on baby Ostby's blog so I'll try doing it on yours. As far as it ain't over til it's over.....I'll try and help you out by not singing today.

Jeannie said...

So tell us, which J were you talking about not having a post. They talked to one another this morning and were in agreement.

What's the deal about unreliable internet in a camper? Haven't you heard of going to Kades or Panera with free wi-fi? They even have it at Sushi Popo!

Jessica said...

LOL! Jeannie- I thought the same thing! Darn internet....guess that is the downside of "livin' in a camper down by the river" ;0)

Anonymous said...

Awww I really miss your kiddos after seeing pictures! I'm going to love reading about your "vacation". Thanks for sharing it.

ps I didn't get the email about this either, found it through Carleen's blog...might wanna try sending it again...