Monday, June 9, 2008

More Exploring...


The Expedition brought us east to Glendo Reservoir yesterday.

It was on Matt's and Carrie's way back to their Denver home and we wanted to check it out as a possible meeting place for camping with them. It's a pretty big lake with lots of different kinds of camping - wide open on the shore with no trees, up on cactus strewn, rocky cliffs, high above the lake on piney hills and deep in cottonwoods on sandy banks. Due to an unusually rainy season, the lake was flooded and lots of campsites were under water. We saw antelope, mule deer and some really big white water birds with long bills. (Maybe this: although they seemed bigger as we saw them from quite a ways off. Either way, the poem on the above link is worth the read! My Grandpa H. would have liked that one!) One doe had a very new fawn with her that didn't even come up to her knees. The kids thought that was "so cute." :O) Here is a shot of most of us near shore - it was really, really windy!

This is where we said good-bye to Auntie Carrie and Uncle Matt, Bodie and Macie. Our family then went on to find a snack at the marina and for some more campground exploring. We also stopped above the dam and TRIED to get a good picture of some very uncooperative is the result of that:

Frustrating for parents, but you all probably think THAT is "so cute." :O) (I do like the part where Kindrid's little hand is hooked around Brennen's elbow.)

After a great weekend with Matt and Carrie, the kids and I have a day of chores lined up. Look out laundry we come!




Anonymous said...


Sounds like you guys are having as much fun exploring the norther part of the country! I have so much fun reading your blog, we gotta keep this up!

Anonymous said...

spell check..."northern"...can you edit these things? :)

Jessica said...

Wow! Are you still in shock that you live there now??!! The mountains, the water, the trees- it looks beautiful! Oh and I have checked your blog everyday! I love reading what you are up too!

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up--congrats on the house! You live in a beautiful place. Isn't is great looking at mountains every morning? I love it!

Beth said...

Okay - I just figured out how to comment. I just love the house and am so glad you got it!! It is absolutley beautiful out there. Can't wait to visit. We love you guys, Beth